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Facebook Status - November 30th, 2014

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When I was a child I considered people more evolved (as a perception of life) and better than I found out later they really were. There are enormous differences between how I imagined people and how they really are.
People are extremely “low” from the point of view of understanding the subtleties and the realities of what life is all about. They are just some developed “pets”, driven mainly by their instincts, and less by their thinking. Because they, in their majority, only perceive the superficial, the material, the commonplace. Everything that is unimportant, at least from a deep perspective.
The same people are in fact and extremely bad. Much worse than a child can perceive in his naive idealism. In fact, they often behave inhumanely. They are dominated by primitive feelings as unjustified evil, envy, frustration, sublime satisfaction at the sight of evil and even misfortunes of the one next to him. They permanent struggle for money and power in a general blindness. The great qualities as kindness, dignity and spirituality are quite inaccessible for them …
In time, I noticed how important education is. As a conclusion, it is clear that education helps man to understand life from a higher standpoint, clearly contributing to its intellectual ‘raise’. But the same education ‘holds’ the man in the above-mentioned primitive feelings by acting as a brake on this kind of ‘inhuman’ behavior, but actually specific to human nature. An educated man, at least as appearance, will thus be better.
Now, inevitably, I cannot relate to the environment that some of us occupy. And also, if some of you have mentioned, about what I said above, that the Romanian is a little different (in a negative sense, of course) of his Western colleague, then this current level of education obviously lower (current, but also in the last centuries) is clearly one of the most plausible explanations ….
Of course, personal opinion.

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