People are surprising. I am often surprised that they do not understand many of the basic principles of their own existence. First, people do not realize or they forget that absolutely everything they have in this life, in material terms, is rented. And that's primarily because their own existence is absolutely limited in time. And when they leave this world, they can not take anything with them. When they have a certain influence or power in society, they do not realize how less important it is in relation to the real dimmension of life, nor that very soon they will lose that influence or power....
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Today it has occurred to me that any activity, ideal or dream is based on love. The most beautiful and the best things for us in this life come from love. Anything we wish to accomplish, all our dreams, hopes, ideals or experiences have something to do with love. The most beautiful human feelings derive from the love for the beautiful, the spirit, they come from the love we have in us and which we want to share with another person, our family, our friends or our children. There are so many things that we do in life just because we want to have access to the person or the type of person who can give...
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Kant realized that what man perceives is not reality. It is only a conceptualized form of reality, given by man’s senses, by the way he perceives it through his neuronal apparatus, for reality is only an image, a chimera, a fiction that comes from our mind full of different concepts. Moreover, a man cannot understand beyond the processed version given by his own brain, for there is no way of “seeing” what is really there, before this perceptive and intellectual processing.
Schopenhauer approves him but he also makes some additions, by realizing that we can perceive that entity in its reality...
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There are few qualities I admire in people. And they all come from the divine drop in each of them. The first and the most valuable one is kindness. It comes genetically, inwardly, mentally, spiritually. A good man is not a man who does good deeds, but the man who cannot do evil. Such a man wins you over forever. A second quality is love. Not selfish or interested love, but true love, that sort of sublime love. It’s so rare, that it has become almost a myth, something extremely hard to find. It comes directly from the soul, from true humanity. A man who has true love for his neighbor is hard...
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I will post something that probably has nothing to do with Facebook. But I think it’s something that it’s worth posting. I have the conviction that the utmost purpose of human existence is getting close to divinity. The divinity man comes from, in fact. All religions and existential theories show that in the course of life, men try by instinct in different ways to get close and even merge with divinity. In order to achieve this, men need real spiritual evolution. It’s not simple at all, it is extremely complicated. It’s important to achieve an accurate understanding of life and then knowledge,...
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Today I thought about the energy of life. That sacred energy we were born with and which we felt deeply when we were children…That unspeakable joy we felt without any reason at the time, the simple joy of living. The source of the same joy we had when we were teenagers and we fought to prove that we were the best, when nobody understood our aspirations and dreams. Which takes your breath away… Which makes you dream about your career, your success and your future. Which makes you want to discover, understand, explore everything, anything, now. Which gives you the strength to think about your...
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Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone makes an ideal out of it. But the fact is that sadness and suffering open the “valves” of the soul. People get close to profound things and even God in deep sorrow and suffering. When they are happy, people are too busy to feel the happiness and they forget about everything else. And then, abstractly, a question arises. Which is best for your soul – sorrow and suffering or happiness? A thought…
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In fact, everything is very simple. Everyone desires to grow, conscientiously or instinctually. They want to assert themselves in society, to acknowledge and overcome their own limitations and frustrations, to vanquish their own demons. Some people express it socially, by their desire to achieve power. These are the majority. Other people seek deep love, which makes them feel they are escaping the limits of the material life we all lead. Yes, one can escape through love. But it is hard to find it and it is especially hard to preserve it in the society we live in. There are also many people like...
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