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Facebook Status - May 10th, 2014

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There are some truths about people, about society, about life, that you cannot tell. Because they sounds strange, even ugly or vulgar, or crazy, or incredible, because they overturn or attack certain concepts, because they say things as they are, or simply because they cannot be understood. Or accepted. But there are really great truths, which are the foundation of the reality of this world. It is odd that great truths are extremely simple. Anyone can actually see them, but very few do that, even if they are right under our noses. You realize this in time, if you’re one of those who come to understand life correctly, its course and the purpose of everything. Most people, however, do not ever understand. There are things that only the winners can understand. Extremely few. They understand it effectively or instinctually. There are truths that cannot be learned in school, for the simple reason that in general teachers do not know them, not having the necessary proficiency or experiences. And because it is considered dangerous for everybody to hear, anyway. Because they can put some people’s eyes next to them. Truths that can attack the society we live in. Still, it’s not dangerous, because even if they are put down in black and white, they will only be understood by some. By those very few … I said enough.

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