
The main points of the abomination generically named “Land Restitution Case” as it pertains to me:

(This is for whomever can and really wishes to understand) 1. The Land Restitution Case began exactly 14 years ago, in 2005, when an enemy of then Mayor Radu Mazare named Constantin Cucoara – former head of the Constanta Land Registry, recently hired by the DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate), started a criminal investigation, probably as a first call of duty. Since this case was an obvious flop, without any real merit, the police and prosecutors ruled out the criminal case and closed the investigation. The very day after he was named Chief Prosecutor, Mr. Tulus ordered the case to be reopened...

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Punctele esentiale ale marii porcarii denumite generic “Dosarul retrocedarilor” raportat exclusiv la speta mea:

(Pentru cine poate si chiar vrea sa inteleaga)           1. Dosarul Retrocedarilor a inceput acum exact 14 ani, in 2005, cand un inamic al primarului de atunci Radu Mazare, pe nume Constantin Cucoara - fostul sef al Cadastrului Constanta, proaspat angajat la DNA, a facut o plangere penala, probabil ca prima indatorire de serviciu. Fiind vorba de un fas evident, fara nicio baza reala, dupa ce un dosar s-a constituit, politistii si procurorii, dupa cercetari, au dispus neinceperea urmaririi penale (NUP) si clasarea dosarului. Dupa ce procurorul Tulus a fost numit ca procuror-sef, exact...

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February 28, 2015

People are surprising. I am often surprised that they do not understand many of the basic principles of their own existence. First, people do not realize or they forget that absolutely everything they have in this life, in material terms, is rented. And that's primarily because their own existence is absolutely limited in time. And when they leave this world, they can not take anything with them. When they have a certain influence or power in society, they do not realize how less important it is in relation to the real dimmension of life, nor that very soon they will lose that influence or power....

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The untapped strength of a beautiful woman

For a man, a beautiful woman means almost everything. First, she is the muse. She inspires him, she gives him creativeness, she makes him understand the meaning of life. She makes him more human, a better man, his best version. She changes his existence, she shows him the beauty of the world, she gives him the strength to conquer the world. The beuatiful woman is man’s utmost drug. She brings addiction and insatiability. But physically she offers him everything that meet his instinctual needs, bringing him peace, relaxation, happiness. A beautiful woman is also the ideal mother of his children,...

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Forta nevalorificata a femeii frumoase

Pentru un barbat, femeia frumoasa inseamna aproape totul. In primul rand, ea e muza. Ea il inspira, ii da forta creatoare, il face sa inteleaga sensul vietii. Ea il face mai uman, mai bun, il face sa fie cea mai buna versiune a sa. Ii schimba existenta, ii arata frumusetea vietii, ii da forta sa cucereasca lumea. Femeia frumoasa e drogul suprem al barbatului. Aduce dependenta si insatietatea. Dar ii ofera fizic tot ce el instinctual are nevoie si ii aduce astfel liniste, relaxare, fericire. Tot femeia frumoasa e idealul de mama al copiilor barbatului si persoana pe care el o vrea aproape. Ea il face...

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An exigent X-Ray of Facebook

We find almost everyone on Facebook, with few exceptions. Some people really do not understand exactly the 'benefits' of being present here. Others fell behind or they have never had a social networking profile. From clerics - who avoid Facebook for religious reasons - to young girls practicing 'underground' escort service who can run the risk of being identified, then from people who do not want to align themsleves with the big trend, just to be 'different', to those who reject Facebook out of snobbery, on the grounds that they are 'at another level'. The latter prefer instead Instagram - where...

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O radiografie exigenta a Facebook-ului

Pe Facebook gasim aproape pe toata lumea, cu mici exceptii. Unele persoane nu inteleg foarte exact ‘avantajele’ de a fi prezente aici. Altele au ramas in urma sau nu au avut niciodata un profil de retea sociala. De la fete bisericesti - ce evita Facebook-ul din considerente religioase, pana la domnisoare ce profeseaza escort-service ‘underground' si care se pot expune riscului de a fi identificate, apoi de la oameni care nu vor sa se alinieze in trend cu marea majoritate, tocmai pentru a fi ‘altfel’, pana la cei ce resping Facebook-ul din snobism, pe considerentul ca ei sunt ‘la un alt nivel’....

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First Article – The reasons for this blog

We currently live in a deeply material world that has forgotten everything about: kindness, warmth, love, morality, principles of humanity and even God. Money is the supreme King of society. Everyone's a craze for money. We attend and participate in an ongoing struggle in our society, with any weapons. Despite the technological development, people have become much worse, more frustrated, more bitter in social struggles. We act as in a jungle. Only few of us have moral rules. The only rules are the laws that are complied with only by fear. There are almost no examples of clean, moral, principled...

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Primul articol – Motivele lansarii blogului

Traim astazi intr-o lume profund materialista, care a uitat de tot: de bunatate, de caldura, de iubire, de moralitate, de principii, de umanitate si chiar de Dumnezeu. Banul e regele suprem al societatii. Toata lumea e intr-o goana nebuna dupa bani.  Asistam si participam la o lupta continua in societate, cu orice arme. In ciuda dezvoltarii tehnologice, oamenii au devenit mult mai rai, mai frustrati, mai incrancenati in luptele sociale. Actionam ca intr-o jungla. Putini dintre noi mai avem reguli morale. Singurele reguli sunt cele legale, ce sunt respectate doar de frica. Aproape ca nu mai exista...

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