Personal (En)

Facebook Status - December 11th, 2014

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I recently returned to my country, probably not for long. Ever since I entered the plane, I could see the sad and bitter faces of the Romanians. I tried to look at some of them and I smiled. Guess what? Some smiled back at me; others got inspired and made some jokes. I don’t know how I did it, but even for a short moment, I have changed their mood.
I am (for the “n” time) shocked by how mean people can be. I will not return to this subject, I wrote about it before. But I do believe that in this world full of shortcomings, problems, frustrations and especially malice, the only solution is kindness. I am well aware of how hard it is, sometimes it is terribly hard, but try to answer with a friendly smile to someone’s hateful squint! Try to answer to a man’s wickedness with good, with as much good as possible! You will completely disarm the truly bad one, I guarantee that! He will be desperate, he will not understand anything, he will not be able to feed himself with the evil done. And he will not go on! The good one will feel awkward that he acted that way, he will start questioning himself, how he ended up acting like that, where is the humanity he knows he has, somewhere beneath a crust!
Just try it, you will be amazed by the results. I tried, it is unbelievable what happens! I realized that this simple example is actually a modern interpretation and application of the Christian saying “turn the other cheek”.

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