I sit and watch TV, browse the internet, read the newspapers, etc. I cannot help noticing that today the main concern of women (beautiful or not, it does not matter anymore) is the physical exposure. I mean what they are from a sexual point of view. Bottoms - as convex as they can be, from courageous poses to gross ones (to be translated as porn), low-cut and revealed breasts - call them boobs if you want, everybody does this -, lips - I wrote about it before - from a few 'successful' ones - reasonable amount of hyaluronic acid - to the embarrassing and even awful 'snouts' (do not forget the disastrous...
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There are some truths about people, about society, about life, that you cannot tell. Because they sounds strange, even ugly or vulgar, or crazy, or incredible, because they overturn or attack certain concepts, because they say things as they are, or simply because they cannot be understood. Or accepted. But there are really great truths, which are the foundation of the reality of this world. It is odd that great truths are extremely simple. Anyone can actually see them, but very few do that, even if they are right under our noses. You realize this in time, if you're one of those who come to understand...
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Although not my type, I just decided to post on Facebook a silly thing, which will probably produce controversy or attract dislikes:
In time, I asked many ladies if they like men with big muscles. Without absolutely no exception, at least the kind of woman whose opinion I was interested in, all of them said they do not like big muscles in a man, that those men are overly large, too bulging and even disgusting. And that they prefer muscular men, defined and anyway not with overly bloated muscles. At the same time, men admire another man extremely fit and with well developed muscles.
I think the same...
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Even if many are bothered by the hardness of the conclusions below, I will speak my mind, again: In my opinion, in Romania, the biggest fault in terms of spreading and promoting the moral misery belongs to ... THE PRESS. This 4th power in the state consists in its large part of ... small people. Most of them, armed with computers (pen was dated), plenty of time, sub-average intelligence and a lot of frustration, are still able to create monsters, promote pure non-values, to spread filth and inveracities, to create groundswells or false groundswells, to wash brains, to gossip about everything,...
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