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Facebook Status - December 12th, 2013

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Although not my type, I just decided to post on Facebook a silly thing, which will probably produce controversy or attract dislikes:
In time, I asked many ladies if they like men with big muscles. Without absolutely no exception, at least the kind of woman whose opinion I was interested in, all of them said they do not like big muscles in a man, that those men are overly large, too bulging and even disgusting. And that they prefer muscular men, defined and anyway not with overly bloated muscles. At the same time, men admire another man extremely fit and with well developed muscles.
I think the same thing happens to women relating to lips augmentation (often exaggerated). Although between them it appears to be an appreciation for this topic and even a competition, I will allow myself to issue an opinion on behalf of men (with your permission, more demanding …) Ladies, officially announce you that not only personally, but after I discussed this topic with a significant number of men – we DO NOT like it !!! The overwhelming majority of women increasing their lips manage to destroy their suavity and to become ridiculous, some even hideous and vulgar at best!
If the caps fit, wear it…
Ooops … there, I said it! Good night ..

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